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g Self Development Site

BellaOnline's Self Development Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Self Development Site! These are the top ten articles that your Self Development Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. The Game Maker - Ian Fenn - Review
The Game Maker by Ian Fenn is a self or personal development book that makes you consider what life is all about. It is a light-hearted look at the universe, Big Bang, consciousness, enlightenment, life after death, eternity and your immortality. It suggests an answer to your deepest questions.

2. Top 13 Public Speaking Mistakes
Public Speaking is a powerful self development skill but it is often the 'number one fear'. This self development article discusses the top 13 public speaking mistakes and shows you how to overcome your fears. One good speech can do more for your business, career or life than years of hard work!

3. Advice My Parents Gave Me - Rodolfo Costa - Review
'Advice My Parents Gave Me and Other Lessons I Learned From My Mistakes' by Rodolfo Costa is a self development book with 409 tips and advice on living a more successful and happy life. You will look on your problems and setbacks as assets that help to create your character and to self develop.

4. Car Colour and What It Says About You
Do you know what your car colour says about you? Research has shown that your car colour can reveal secrets about your personality, moods, emotions, outlook on life, etc. If you were aware of these effects, from a self development point of view how would you use this information?

5. BLOCKS - Tom Evans - Review
'BLOCKS' by Tom Evans has self development tips and tools to clear writer's block via a "new and holistic way of thinking and being." Whatever you are writing (books, scientific papers, adverts, blogs, etc) BLOCKS is a self development book that will resurrect and develop your creativity.

6. What Do You Do ?
"What do you do?" is one of the most common questions you get asked in your work and social life. This self or personal development article gives an insight into the REAL question that people are asking - what they REALLY want to know!

7. Kung Fu Panda 2 - Self Development Review
There are many reviews of Kung Fu Panda 2. This review concentrates on the self development lessons that the film offers. The part of the story that deals with a search for inner peace has many messages at a deeper level and its self development lessons are very applicable to the human world.

8. Watches - What They Say About You
Watches and what they say about you are more important than you think. Many believe you show yourself to others through your shoes, briefcase, jewelry, handbag, suit, car, computer, or phone. However, this self development article shows how your wristwatch can say more about you than any of those.

9. So Grows The Tree - Review - Ethical Wills
You have heard of a will but what is an ethical will? This wonderful book has comprehensive info on everything you may want to know about it with great self development, personal growth and self-realisation tools for figuring out WHO you are, WHAT you stand for and HOW to tell others about it!

10. Learn Something New Daily - Can You Eat Gold
The importance of self development is about having the mindset of learning something new daily. There is so much one can learn from other communities and cultures from around the world. This article on 'Can You Eat Gold' is just one example of the millions of subjects about which little is known.

Be sure to visit the Self Development Archives for all the articles!


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