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Climbing roses add so much romance and beauty to your garden! Here are four magnificent climbing roses to grow over an arch, gazebo, trellis or pillar.
Climbing roses add so much romance and beauty to your garden! Here are four magnificent climbing roses to grow over an arch, gazebo, trellis or pillar.
Knock Out roses have taken the gardening world by storm. Learn why these easy care roses are a must-have for your garden.
Powdery mildew and downy mildew are two fungal infections that can wreak havoc in your rose garden. Learn to recognize the symptoms and take steps to treat these two diseases.
If you grow roses, you will need to battle aphids at some point. Luckily, this common pest is easily handled with nontoxic methods.
Just because your garden doesn't receive a full day of sun doesn't mean you can't grow roses. There are varieties that will survive and even thrive in partially shaded locations.
The Victorian "Language of Flowers" spoke eloquently in different colors of roses and other flowers. Choose a bouquet of roses that speaks your tenderest emotions without your saying a word.
Your roses are hungry. Keep them well fed, and your reward will be an abundance of blooms on green, healthy rosebushes.
Choosing new roses can be overwhelming. There are so many beautiful colors, it's hard to know which to pick! Here is a brief guide to some of the best roses by color.
Roses are all beautiful, and many of them are wonderfully scented. Here are a few of the most fragrant roses for your garden.
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